• Powkiddy RGB10 Max 3

    From Nightfox@VERT/DIGDIST to All on Friday, January 03, 2025 16:20:00
    Re: Retro gaming
    By: Nightfox to Digital Man on Thu Sep 05 2024 08:14 pm

    Let us know how you like the RGB10 MAX 3. For $99, it's kind of hard to
    go wrong.

    The model I bought is actually the RGB10 MAX 3 Pro, which has some more

    I had posted about this a few months ago.. After plaing games on it multiple times now, one thing I've realized is that the D-pad can be a bit too sensitive, resulting in some unintended movements sometimes. This is sometimes an issue on these handheld devices, though I feel like it's hard to know how bad it will be, and I figured I'd take a chance on this one. I feel like it's a drawback of this device, enough for me to think about buying something different, though after playing it a bit, I was able to sort of get used to it and compensate a bit.


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