• Rádnoti Miklos

    From Marcvandam to All on Saturday, February 01, 2025 12:01:46
    One of the most poignant examplesof how poetry can reach us is surely Radnóti's "Letter to Spouse". In the horrors of persecution he wrote a poetic letter to his wife, whom he would never see again. He did not survive the misery, and the poem was found in his coat pocket when his body was found in a mass grave.

    A mélyben néma, hallgató világok, Silent, listening worlds in the depths,
    üvölt a csönd fülemben s felkiáltok, silence howls in my ears and I cry out
    de nem felelhet senki rá a távol, but no one can answer from afar,
    a háborúba ájult Szerbiából from war-torn Serbia
    s te messze vagy. and you are far away.
