• Russia wants to repair damaged Nord Stream 1+2. Creators notdestroyers? Will they blow it up again?

    From me@me@privacy.net to soc.culture.magyar,hun.politika on Monday, October 03, 2022 01:41:14
    From Newsgroup: soc.culture.magyar


    "It can be repaired by January next year if they start now. As as
    an engineer, I was stunned to hear people say that the entire
    pipeline would be scrapped because of salt-water corrosion. That
    is preposterous. I researched the matter, and confirmed that the
    fantastic Euro-Russian engineers (of the kind who were my
    teachers) incorporated isolation valves at various intervals for
    exactly such circumstances as this. This is a 1200 mile pipeline;
    sooner or later a seal was going to break, a retaining bolt was
    going to snap, and a leak would develop somewhere. It was
    necessary to include contingency measures so that if that
    happened, that section of the pipe would be isolated with valves
    and repaired. If it is repaired, the pipe will not be blown up
    again. As it is, by next week the whole of Europe will be livid at
    "the one" who blew it up. Russia is casting itself in a very
    favourable light by broaching the issue of repair. I was listening
    to "Survival Lilly" on her YouTube posting from Yesterday, and she
    spoke about how all space heaters are more or less gone from
    Austrian stores. She talked about how people are going in the
    public forest to forage for wood, even if that is illegal, when
    done without permission. She pointed out that with the sabotage of
    Nordstream, there are industries in both Germany and Austria that
    are guaranteed to go out of business this winter. I cannot imagine
    any scenario where Olaf Scholz chooses that as the outcome for the
    German economy. Nordstream is not only going to be rebuilt; both
    lines are going to be opened at the same time early next year...
    This sabotage is going to prove to be a myopic blunder."
    --- Synchronet 3.20b-Win32 NewsLink 1.2
  • From =?iso-8859-2?b?TPNm9Q==?=@gonefishing@INVALID.buggeroff.gov to soc.culture.magyar,hun.politika on Monday, October 03, 2022 11:31:04
    From Newsgroup: soc.culture.magyar

    On Mon, 3 Oct 2022 01:41:14 +0200, me wrote:


    "It can be repaired by January next year if they start now. As as
    an engineer, I was stunned to hear people say that the entire
    pipeline would be scrapped because of salt-water corrosion...."


    baromsag az egesz sejehuja, sztm. a PR-hatasra utaztak.

    --- Synchronet 3.20b-Win32 NewsLink 1.2
  • From me@me@privacy.net to soc.culture.magyar,hun.politika on Monday, October 03, 2022 14:22:40
    From Newsgroup: soc.culture.magyar

    Lófő wrote:
    On Mon, 3 Oct 2022 01:41:14 +0200, me wrote:


    "It can be repaired by January next year if they start now. As as
    an engineer, I was stunned to hear people say that the entire
    pipeline would be scrapped because of salt-water corrosion...."


    Én nem értek hozzá és nem is jártam utána, de laikusként az a benyomásom, hogy valahogy mindenki figyelmen kívül hagyja, hogy
    nem a szárazföldön kell javítani a csöveket, hanem a
    tengerfenéken, 70-80m mélyen, télen. IMHO muszaki búvárok
    munkájára lenne szükség, nem csak új csövekre. Fel kell mérni a
    kárt, megtervezni a javítást majd kivitelezni. Nekem mint
    laikusnak nehezen elképzelheto, hogy erre ezen a télen sor

    És ez csak a muszaki vetülete a dolognak, de van egy politikai is,
    ami sokkal jelentosebb. Úgyhogy én abban sem vagyok biztos, hogy egyáltalán javításra kerül a sor.

    baromsag az egesz sejehuja, sztm. a PR-hatasra utaztak.

    Na, ez a baromság, ekkorát azt hiszem még soha nem írtál, gratulálok.

    --- Synchronet 3.20b-Win32 NewsLink 1.2